Francisco Alfaro
Director, IT
Peter Bagley
Assistant Editor
Alexis Boswell
Vice President, Casting
Kelsey Boxser
Chief People Officer
Chloe Brulia
Senior Accountant
Jack Burgess
EVP, Development and Current Programming
Jen Casey
Dominic Ciccodicola
Vice President, Current Programming
Jacob Cohen-Holmes
Head of Current Programming
Louise Conner
Director, Business & Legal Affairs
Tiffany Dejillo
Supervising Casting Producer
Jill Doctor
Manager, Post Production
Sarah Dooley
Production Accountant
Erin Flinn
Senior Vice President, Current Programming
Nicholas Gilhool
Analiza Gonzales
Executive Manager
Michelle Goodman
Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs
John Hillis
Director, Casting
Aljzana Hobdy-Clayton
People Operations Generalist
Amy Hutchinson
Vice President, Development
Sandra Jarrelll
Michelle Kallman
Production & Legal Coordinator
Mario Kiresich
Production Accountant
Amanda Lehman
Manager, Production
Andrew Locacciato
Vice President, Music
Elizabeth Lohman
Line Producer
Gary Lubansky
Music Supervisor
Hannah Mackay
SVP, Objective Fiction
Lauren McDermott
Director, People Operations
Justin Medeiros
Executive Vice President, Production
Nikki Moore
Production Accountant
Stephanie Moreno
Assistant to Production
Josh Moskowitz
Director, Production
Brian Nelson
Senior Vice President, Finance
Spenser Noh
Vice President, Business & Legal Affairs
Niall O'Driscoll
SVP, Development and Current Programming
Obinne Onyeador
Coordinator, Current Programming
Brittany Patch-Castle
Development Manager
Suzanne Rauscher
Senior Vice President, Current Programming
Stephanie Rosenberg
EVP, Business & Legal Affairs and General Counsel
Tanner Shay
Development Editor
Natalie Simmons
Director, Production
Justin Smith
Senior Vice President, Production
Yuya Su
Production Accountant
Grace Sur
Director, Production Accounting
Michelle Surprise
Post Facilities Manager
David Swaby
Chief Financial Officer
James Voda
Senior Vice President, Post-Production
Alexander Walton
Senior Vice President, Current Programming